

Moon Studios Leda's Earthcannon Leda's Earthcannon Sessions Other Bits

The Jupiter Sheep

were formed in 1988 as a leaderless artistic collective that recorded three albums and a number of solo songs, and made two videos. The band played live regularly in Northern California, and rehearsed several times a week at the Sheephouse, 4249 H Street in Sacramento.


The band house featured a tree house with an unreasonably long rope ladder, and a team of giant and ruthless hounds who would always fall asleep in the exact middle of the band room.



Steve Randall -- Guitar

Missy Io -- Keys

Sky Harbor -- Guitar

Natalie Europa -- Vocals

Byron Callisto -- Vocals

Thomas Barnes -- Drums

Max Wyvern -- Bass

Pete Clemente -- Sound

Steve Green -- Management

Jennifer Paige Ward -- Vocals

The Videos

were shot on 16mm film, directed by Jennifer Hinkey, shot by Michael Harrison, and featured a host of local talent from the CSUS Theater Department. They were scripted by Byron Callisto and financed by the entirety of his student loans for a semester. Gil Morrison and Janine Russo starred as the Flame People.

The Albums

The Black Album

Leda's Earthcannon

Choose Your World

Top 20 Tracks

themed object
Primary Tagline
















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